Alhamdulillah .
Ade jgk rezeki I tuk beli new hp .I bought this phone by myself. Hehe. First aset yang pakai duit sndiri (Agak bangga disini) 0.o Memang berbaloi beli this phone . Ini jenis Sony Ericsson Xperia X8. Harganya RM tet tet tet.hihi I beli yg murah je sbb student kan . Mne mampu nak beli yg mahal2 . Lainla kalo mak ayah ke pakwe or sugarr dedi nak sponsor . Wakaka .Nk beli I phone 4 pkai duit sdiri xmmpu la kan. Kalo beli brmkna xmkn xminum la I . Yela org susah kan . Hihi. I buy this phone cos its price is affordable and I minat yg touch screen, screen nye yg besar memudahkan I untuk tgk gmbar ,vid ,msg and mcm2 lagi ,seronok sgt .This is one of the smartphone yg fully touch and function nye agak cnggih di situ. Applications for this xperia x8 juga sgt byk dan bgus. Masuk je kat Market dye mcm2 blh download, but I x dpt cnnct lagi ke market dye tuh sbb x pndai guna lagi kam . Maklumlah buta IT . hahah . Sape2 yg tao mcm mn nk buat tu gtaw ek ."sharing is caring " x gitu ~ Anyway , sesape yg tgh @ ingin membeli handphone tu I suggest beli lah hp ni . Bgus tao. If u want to know more about its specifications you all blh je melawat ,kat situ mcm2 ade .Wah2 . Promote nmpk . hihi . Bkn ape , I just nk share je, yg lain2 tu trpulang kat you all la kan .P/s : Bkn niat nk riak ke nk nunjuk hp yea . just nk kongsi ke-happy-an disini ;)Okey .Lets check up the view of this phone ..
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